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Radio One 91FM 40th Birthday Lineup Announce ft. The Futurians, Space Bats, Attack!, Becca Caffyn + More

Radio One 91FM 40th Birthday Lineup Announce ft. The Futurians, Space Bats, Attack!, Becca Caffyn + More

Chris Cudby / Image: The 1993 Radio One logo via / Wednesday 2nd October, 2024 2:41PM

Ōtepoti's bastion of sonic (in)sanity, Radio One 91FM are celebrating the monumental achievement that is their 40th birthday with a rager to remember at The Crown. The lineup is as expected off the chain, including a rare outing by southern noise-rock zappers The Futurians, cosmic-doom collective Space Bats Attack!, rising songwriter Becca Caffyn with band, and DJ Bax x Risk battling it out on the decks.

Radio One 91FM have given so much not only to Dunedin student radio listeners over the past 40 years, but also to the musical fabric of Aotearoa as a whole, fostering innumerable local talents on both sides of the studio console since 1984. The party also features a boombox raffle, R1 merch and more — nab tickets immediately, get up to speed on R1's illustrious history with James Dignan's AudioCulture profile HERE, and raise your glass to these mighty legends of the SRN airwaves on 17th October...

Radio One's 40th Birthday
The Futurians, Space Bats Attack!, Becca Caffyn (with band), DJ Bax b2b Risk
Thursday 17th October - The Crown Hotel, Dunedin

Waged & unwaged tickets on sale HERE via UTR

Smash play on THE FUTURIANS' 2020 video 'Atuan Part 1'...

Experience Space Bats, Attack! letting rip live at Pōneke's Flying Nun store...


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Radio One's 40th Birthday
Thu 17th Oct 7:30pm
The Crown Hotel, Dunedin