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Album Review: Flying Lotus - Until The Quiet Comes

Album Review: Flying Lotus - Until The Quiet Comes

Tuesday 23rd October, 2012 9:17AM

Built from dreamy, surrealistic bell tones and keyboard melodies, shuffling insectoid drum patterns, warm understated bass, celestial vocal performances and swirling psychedelic incidental noises, Until The Quiet Comes is the forth studio album from Los Angeles laptop beat music auteur Flying Lotus. Working in diametric opposition to the sonic maximalism and intense space opera level theatrics of his third studio album and watershed work Cosmgramma, Until The Quiet Comes sees Flying Lotus turning the hourglass upside down. Resetting the scene , he restarts within an inverse location. After all, when your last record imagined a soundworld as big and detailed as an entire galaxy in nature, zoning right in, and focusing on, as he explained to me in a recent interview, "the inward journey...the intimate journey," makes a lot of sense.

Click here to continue reading this review of Flying Lotus' new album by Martyn Pepperell.

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