Stream I.ryoko's Debut Album - I.ryoko
Musician Thomas Lambert has been operating under the alias i.ryoko for a number of years, but running the Sonorous Circle label has kept the Wellingtonian too tied up to release his own proper album - until now. The self-titled effort follows on from last year's release Rarities, which gathered together a collection of unrelated works produced between 2007 and 2011. Sitting firmly in the realm of experimental electronica his new eight-track album dips and dives through a landscape of intriguing sounds and textures, a musical journey that Lambert says draws from the complexities of the human condition.
The album was predominantly recorded over three weeks in February while Lambert was on residency at the Audio Foundation in Auckland, and then he spent the last couple of months arranging and polishing the tracks. It employs an array of instruments including a 1979 monophonic analogue synthesiser, guitar, violin and a Korean guzheng, which are stitched together with sounds recorded from the environment and "the voices of investigative journalists". i.ryoko is being released officially on 28th May through Sonorous Circle on cassette and digitally, but we are fortunate to have an exclusive stream for your listening pleasure...
Update: I.ryoko has now officially released the album (with a few tweaks) under the title Opening and is available for download over at his Bandcamp under a "name your price" offer.
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