Video: Threat.Meet.Protocol - The Last One (UTR Premiere)
Our favourite shitcore trio from the Bay of Plenty have unleashed single 'The Last One' with a sick new homemade video. Threat.Meet.Protocol, who are at the heart of the subversive Tauranga Music Sux community, are set to release their new EP PRETENTIOUS on 1st December as a joint release from the TMS and Hell Is Now Love labels. 'The Last One' is the second single from the EP, following the epic offering 'Elephant' that came out last month. The group's bassist Austin made the crude claymation clip, which is apparently the first time he has turned his hand to such endeavours, and it has ended with bloodsplattering results. Feast your eyes below...
Threat.Meet.Protocol are having an album release party on Saturday 20th December at Lucha Lounge in Auckland, stay tuned for more details.
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