Interview: Wizz Kids
Last week Wizz Kids let loose single 'Family & Food', a kind of anti-Christmas carol that was self-produced and recorded by the group. The Hamilton punks keep a fairly low profile in the world of social media but they carve it up live, as Auckland will discover when they hit Whammy bar this weekend for the massive Naughty or Nice xmas showcase. With their impending performance we decided to catch up with Wizz Kids for Seven Quick Questions to find out more about them...
Hey Wizz Kids, Can you tell us a bit about yourselves?
Alex: Ben and I formed Wizz Kids sometime in 2010 as a two-piece instrumental punk band (drums and guitar), not because we wanted a two-piece but because of the lack of people willing to pick up an instrument. That, and finding people that were on the same page as us whether it was musical taste or general attitude. We played a few shows as a two-piece before releasing our first recording and playing more often with new vocalist Yousef (Kader). We continued to write new music and eventually completing the band as a four-piece with Sam (Chumz) on bass. 60’s, 70’s, 80’s rock 'n' roll and punk. Musical influence could include Wipers, Buzzcocks, X, Flesh Eaters, The Fall, Flipper, Big Boys, The Damned, The Rotters, Wire… We all share a strong interest in a wide range of music.
What’s the hardcore/punk scene like in Hamilton?
Alex: Unreliable, very weak and would appear at first to be non-existent. Although there are a handful of great punk bands; it’s the venue and the organisation of shows that is lacking
Kader: Spiteful Urinator are great.
What would make the scene better?
Chumz: Good shows with good bands that are well promoted and organised?
Alex: I like Hamilton for its rare or hidden punk scene, it's worse when you can see something horrible flourish.
It's fairly rare for a band to not ave a Facebook page these days… is your lack of social media presence a conscious decision?
Alex: No, not a conscious decision but probably a good one. If Wizz Kids had Facebook, the “facebookers” would most likely not come to any shows because by clicking “attending” they feel as if they are apart of something without having to physically do anything. Wizz Kids don’t need social media to find gigs or an audience.
You just released the ‘Family & Food’ single, what’s that all about?
Kader: I wasn't going to call it that but I had work when Alex and Chumz finished it off and chucked it online. It was originally supposed to be for an online Christmas compilation but we were slow (sorry Rory!). Alex had a riff so we had to fill in the rest. I just wrote about Christmas and spiced it up with these ideas that there might be some radical, subversive potential in pushing atavistic, wasteful consumption until it can't go any further. Although if I bought that I guess I would have done my part by now...
The recording is pretty tight, when and how was it done?
Chumz: Thanks. We did it about two weeks ago at our practice space. Live instruments with vocals done separately. It was done with some entry-level gear that I've been piecing together for a little while and learning by playing around with. A few months ago I'd read about and watched a bunch of videos by Steve Albini (Shellac, Big Black, Electrical Audio studios) and Kurt Ballou (Converge, God City studios) so got pretty interested in recording through that. This recording was sort of a trial to see if we'll be capable of putting out more stuff by ourselves - I think with some more practice we'll be fine.
Is it a sign of a larger project in the works… an album?
Chumz: Yes.
Wizz Kids will be performing at Naughty Or Nice xmas showcase at Auckland's Whammy Bar on Saturday 20th December, along with PCP Eagles, Shitripper, Fantails, Dad Jones, Bonecruncher, DHDFD'S, The Cavemen and more. Head over here for more details and to pick up tickets.
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