Stream Greenfog's New Album 'Bruce Farm'
Auckland stoner doom trio Greenfog have released their new record Bruce Farm. The sprawling five-track album was laid down at the namesake Bruce Farm in the depths of Whanganui last year, and was recorded, mixed and mastered by the band's guitarist Elliot Lawless while drummer Rachael Elf supplied the artwork. Fire up a Friday wendy and take a listen, and then head over to Bandcamp to buy it on vinyl...
Greenfog are playing tomorrow night 21st March at Eclectafest at Whammy and the Wine Cellar alongwide Thee Rum Coves, Rackets, Bespin, Little Bark, Heavy and Avoid! Avoid, head over here for more info and to buy tickets.
They will also be touring the country with punk three-piece Caroles next month, head over here to check out dates and venues.
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