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Interview: Spook The Horses

Interview: Spook The Horses

Thursday 4th June, 2015 2:22PM

You have to ask yourself, what exactly do you want from the bands you love? Do you want album after album of the same kind of music, repeated ad infinitum, or do you want to hear something else? Something that’s driven by creative exploration and the desire to remain open to inspiration––from whatever quarter.

In the four years between their albums, Wellington band Spook The Horses has channeled that kind of vision. Their first album Brighter, released back in 2011, was an enticing debut; heavy on a combination of undulating and steel-edged guitar, along with post-rock atmospherics. But there are elements to their latest album, Rainmaker, that sound like they were crafted by an entirely different band. The album’s all the better for it, because Rainmaker is a braver album, a riskier creative venture, and it’s a wholly enrapturing one at that. UnderTheRadar caught up with Spook the Horses’ frontman Callum Gay recently to talk about the new album, and the band’s drive to push forward creatively…

Click here to read the interview, and stream Rainmaker in full below...

Spook The Horses are supporting This Will Destroy You and sleepmakeswaves at their show this Sunday 7th June at San Fran in Wellington. Head over here for more information and to buy tickets.


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