Carcass with The Black Dahlia Murder
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Ferocious and uncompromising in their execution, CARCASS’s ability to intricately dissect the innards of death metal, and display them for us to sonically understand has been their point of excellence for well over three decades.
Whether it was inventing gore-grind or creating the template for melodic death metal, CARCASS has always made records by which bars were set and rules were broken.
Since 2001, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER have created a musical brute that embraces all the finest qualities of melodic death metal yet does not shackle them, giving them room to constantly evolve and grow. Consistently punishing with a searing visceral intensity, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER continue to inflict a cavalcade of riffs to the table, upping the stakes in technicality, melody, and sheer blunt force trauma.