Powder Chutes w/ Red Weekend

Powder Chutes w/ Red Weekend

Tour Information
Powder Chutes are coming to The Crown Hotel, Dunedin for a night of sweaty, energetic rock.
This is a chance to see the boys ahead of their debut album release in a few months time.

Along as special guests are filthy rockers Red Weekend all the way from Christchurch, and just added to the line-up are Invercargill noise merchants Theorem.

Powder Chutes were recently cherry-picked by Highly Suspect and added to their NZ stadium shows from where Johnny Stevens stated, this is the start of a very long friendship, and who are we to disagree! We produce fiercely original music described as having “a modern grunge feel, mixed with punk angst and hard rock (NZ Musician Magazine), or as Johhny put it they are the truth… they got it, they got the thing going on.” – Johnny, Highly Suspect

There’s a groundswell of interest in Powder Chutes who are gaining a reputation as an unmissable live act, so don't snooze on this.

There will be a small number of Early Bird tickets at $10, GA tickets will be $15, and if there are any door sales available these will be $20.