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95bFM Fancy New Band NZ Music Month Showcases

95bFM Fancy New Band NZ Music Month Showcases

Tuesday 12th May, 2009 12:00PM

Auckland’s 95bFM steps up its year-round commitment to kiwi music during May’s NZ Music Month, continuing its long-held tradition of championing local artists since the very early days when NZ music was still a very well-kept secret.

As usual 95bFM’s 2009 NZ Music Month calendar is crammed full of local content. The flagship of the station’s New Zealand Music Month activity once again is the annual Fancy New Band Showcase to be held over two nights at Auckland’s Kings Arms Tavern, Thursday 28th and Friday 29th May.

Fancy New Band is the name of the weekly feature on Mikey Havoc’s 95bFM Breakfast show, which provides new artists with a platform to be interviewed and have their music heard through live-to-air performances. A live showcase of this new talent was a logical progression, and in 2007 resulted in the presentation of a selection of sixteen of those artists to an audience of over 1300 people from the music industry and public.

The Fancy New Band Showcase is now an annual 95bFM event. As before, entry is free and open to all with an early 6.30pm starts both nights. The showcases will also be broadcast live to air on 95bFM and streamed on

Fancy New Band 2009 lineup:
Thursday 28th May

The Sing Songs, Dear Times Waste, Drab Doo Riffs, U.S.S.A, Cool Rainbows, Lisa Crawley, Dats The Crux, The Murderchord.

Friday 29th May
Family Cactus, Piece War, Popstrangers, Teacups, The Early Birds, Computers Want Me Dead, Jr Kong, Kidz In Space

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95bFM Fancy New Band NZ Music Month showcase
Thu 28th May 4:30pm
Kings Arms Tavern, Auckland
95bFM Fancy New Band NZ Music Month showcase
Fri 29th May 6:30pm
Kings Arms Tavern, Auckland