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The Body Lyre Announce New Album - Escape Songs

The Body Lyre Announce New Album - Escape Songs

Tuesday 2nd March, 2010 10:28AM

Wellington's The Body Lyre have announced details of a follow up to their amazing debut album December Marches. This will not be your typical release,  the album titled Escape Songs will be released song by song for the whole of 2010 with a new song being released and made available for download (free) each month - band founder Rhydian Thomas explains:

"Escape Songs is a one-year diary for the band. We have no idea what the record is going to sound like, and we could be a completely different entity by the end of the year. So it’s an experiment, I guess… I have no idea how the year is going to affect us musically. Hopefully it’ll be a little more interactive than a normal record, and hopefully the songs will seem more like individual pieces in a bigger collection."

The album will be released in it's entirety on vinyl at the end of the year, for now though two songs have been released and are available to download - "Escape Songs" was released in January and "Chainsmoker" in February - click HERE to download these songs and to find out more about the album and band.

You can catch The Body Lyre live in Auckland this Easter at The Borderline Music Festival - click here to find out more and to buy tickets.

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