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Album Review: Woods - At Echo Lake

Album Review: Woods - At Echo Lake

Monday 26th July, 2010 1:25PM

"In the five or so years that this Brooklyn-based band's been plying their trade they've amassed a discography and committed fanbase that would stir jealousy within any indie musician. With some half a dozen full lengths, as well as a smattering of singles and compilation appearances, Woods have had a constant and diligent output. Woods will forever be a band more content with the live format - the arena in which they've forged most of their reputation and ongoing following. Theirs are never going to be the must have record, the smash hit of the summer. Instead, releases by Woods are but a statement of the times - a snapshot catalog of where the band finds itself. Without a doubt, At Echo Lake is one of the more concise library cards they've ever released."

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