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Midium Records October Update

Midium Records October Update

Thursday 12th October, 2006 12:00PM

October update from Midium Records.

Dont forget you can vote for Jakob in the Best Release and the Best Video categories in the music Awards. Click here to cast your vote!

The new Jakob album - Solace is out now in New Zealand and available November 11 2006 in Australia and in support of this, the band is playing a few shows throughout Australia and New Zealand too. Chur. The lovely people at Inertia Music have agreed to put the album in stores for us throughout Australia which is very cool of them considering how useless we are.

You can also purchase downloads of Jakob from and other download sites such as and around the time of release.

Now, below are the dates for Australia where you can also buy CDs, hipster merch and get the band to sign your anatomy.

Nov1 Spectrum, Sydney
Nov2 ESPY, Melbourne
Nov3 Rob Roy, Melbourne

And some for NZ
Nov17 Valve, Wellington
Dec31 Brophy's Beach, Whitianga

We are also running a small competition giving away five limited edition hand-made A2 Jakob - Solace posters. You can be from anywhere in the world to enter and all you have to do is answer this question:

What is the name of the person which the new Jakob album Solace is dedicated to? [Hint: If you have brought the album, it is in the inside!].

Competition closes midnight[00.00] New Zealand time November 6 2006, only one entry per person[however, bribes are welcome], posters will be mailed to your postal address.

All you need to do is:
1. email
2. write "Solace Competition" in the email subject header
3. add your answer in the email
4. along with your first and last name and postal address

Names will be drawn the following day and your name will pop up on the news page of the site along with corresponding country so you know that you won! We won't put your postal address up coz that would be just stupid and we won't give your details away to other companies who want sell you stuff you don't need etc

Good luck!

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