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Friday Flashback: Halloween Special!

Friday Flashback: Halloween Special!

Friday 28th October, 2011 3:33PM

Yep we're jumping on the Halloween bandwagon,  we've collected together some spooky, kooky and downright terrifying Halloween tracks from the past to kick off your Halloween weekend....

The master of horrors, John Carpenter is also behind many of the most recognisable horror soundtracks including the theme of his appropriately tilted film Halloween...

The Black Swan of it's day, Dario Agento's Suspiria is a stunning movie and incredibly creepy. Made even more so by film score by Italian progrockers Goblin...

'Psycho', what more can we say, simply one of the greatest thrillers and film scores of all time produced by acclaimed composer Bernard Herrmann (Taxi Driver, Twilight Zone, The Birds, Cape Fare...). Here is the score being performed live by The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.

Moving away from film scores to the horror film obsessed, psychobilly originals  The Cramps with just one of their Halloween appropriate tracks 'Goo Goo Muck':

Move over Alice Cooper, here's the shock-rock original Screamin Jay Hawkins with his hit 'I Put A Spell On You'...

And just to add a bit of pop into the mix,  'Psycho Killer' by the Talking Heads...

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