UTR Presents
Cinematic, elaborately developed guitar work, narratively styled instrumentals, and a reputation as one of the most enthusiastic and emotional live shows you’ll ever bare witness -
Mystery Girl, 95bFM & www.undertheradar.co.nz are proud to announce Explosions In The Sky (Texas) will play 2 shows in New Zealand this December
THURSDAY DECEMBER 15th, San Francisco Bathhouse, Wellington
FRIDAY DECEMBER 16th. Kings Arms, Auckland
TICKETS AVAILABLE THURSDAY 15th SEPTEMBER @ www.undertheradar.co.nz / Real Groovy Auckland / Rhythm Records Ponsonby / Slowboat Wellington
“ All four of us kept wondering if this was the album we should make. Is it diff erent enough, is it similar enough' Is this the music we wanted to make when one of us put up the fl ier in the record shop, and three of us answered it' That was over eleven years ago now. The fl ier said “Wanted: sad triumphant rock band.” We met up at a pizza place, talked about movies mostly. Then we met up the next day and played music. Then we made four albums and did a lot of touring. A fi fth album seemed like the logical next step.” Explosions In The Sky fifth album, Take Care, Take Care, Take Care, was released April this year. They apologize it took so long ….. there were marriages, births, panic attacks, classical guitar lessons, serious family illness and recovery , there was plenty of discussion about the new album too one band member was obsessed with the album having 17 shorter songs. One was obsessed with the album sounding like a dream. There was a sleepover and at least 50 demos and somewhere amongst all this there was frustration and the dreaded sabbatical, lucky for us that only lasted a couple of months!
“ When 2010 showed up, with the sabbatical safely behind us, we looked around at all the demos, all the instruments, and tried to see some sort of sense, or theme, or anything in it all. And slowly, we found it was already there. One part became two parts, a new guitar line made one part come alive, an added tambourine made another sing. Things started to fi t together in ways we couldn’t have planned. One song was fi nished, and less than a week or two later another song was fi nished. The rest followed over the next six months. All of the songs came from the demos that we had worked on in the previous three years, demos that we had gone away from, and then come back to, and then expanded.
In September of 2010, we drove out to a studio called Sonic Ranch, 20 miles east of El Paso. We spent almost two weeks out there with our friend John Congleton, who recorded the album. It is a pretty great place with fi ve studios and a pet raccoon on a huge pecan ranch. When that was fi nished, we went back home to Austin and mixed the album at a studio called Public Hi-Fi. And fi nally we mastered the album in New York City with Greg Calbi. We are pretty ecstatic with how it turned out. The album is called Take Care, Take Care, Take Care. And even though that title sounds like a sign-off from us, it is far from it.”
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