After a raucous and dance filled launch of IN PLAIN SIGHT in November, CODES are bringing it back in a special Auckland pride edition in February 2024. It's a butt shaking exploration of the queer music stitched into main stream culture over the last century without anyone noticing.
CODES, an Auckland based, all queer ensemble have sought out and dredged up a selection of tunes that most people had never considered as queer but when looked at in a different light and with a little background are clearly queer as f**k.
From blues tunes from the twenties written by queer men and sung by queer women (who would suspect that?) to the sentimental strains of country repurposed for twisted queer agendas, it was there all along.
Intermingled through all of this will be CODES original music. Post punk funk played by jazz musicians obsessed by queer sub space messaging concealed in the day to day.
If you're sharp you might pick up some words from a dead gay language. Oh wait a minute you already have.
You're not that naff.
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