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DOONS Return With Single 'Choose Your Poison'

DOONS Return With Single 'Choose Your Poison'

Chris Cudby / Friday 22nd April, 2022 2:51PM

DOONS shift into high gear with 'Choose Your Poison', the Te Whanganui-a-Tara four piece's first release since launching their The Importance Of People Indifferent EP early last year. Riding a propulsive motorik groove, the impassioned new single was sparked by principal songwriter's Elliott Dawson's outrage over the results of 2020's cannabis referendum and the hypocrisy of Boomers who argued against weed, yet seem totally fine with the damage caused to our communities every weekend due to alcohol abuse. It's Dawson's birthday today, wish him a good one by cranking up 'Choose Your Poison' below...

"I got real mad seeing all the awful takes against legalization during the run up to the weed referendum and the worst of it was from people that abuse alcohol in complete ignorance of the harm it causes to our communities. I wanted to write something that exposed the irony of people having it both ways, and either opposing change or refusing to have an opinion. It’s a theme that runs through most of our work as a band." - Elliott Dawson

'Choose Your Poison' is out now on major streaming services.


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