Things have been a little too quiet on the Wilberforces this year. In 2011, the duo released their sophomore effort, Vipassana, to strong reviews and equally strong crowds during their tour. The success of this even led them to opening Big Day Out 2012 - ultimately what became the last BDO to occur in New Zealand.
Thankfully though, Thom and Chris have decided to end 2012 on a high note; and not content with just playing Auckland, Hamilton and Wellington, are FINALLY making their way down to the South Is
land once again, playing Lyttleton and Dunedin ahead of the release of their forthcoming EP, Paradise Beach.
Yes - that's right: Wilberforces are releasing a follow up to Vipassana, which may or may not be released during this tour (if you're lucky, it will be ready for South Island dates) - but this is a chance to tell people I preferred the live version, and they perform songs from the EP during the tour. HECE Paradise Beach Tour 2012.... because they'll be playing stuff from Paradise Beach. Funny that.
Two Cartoons,
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