Eccles Entertainment Presents
Okilly Dokilly is the world's only Nedal band. Hailing from Phoenix, Arizona, a majority of the band's lyrics are direct Flanders quotes. The band's current members include Head Ned (vocals), Dread Ned (drums), Shred Ned (guitar), Bed Ned (bass) and Zed Ned (synth).
Established in 2015 with original members Head Ned, Red Ned, Bled Ned, Stead Ned and Thread Ned, the band found success before ever playing their first show, becoming a viral phenomenon after releasing just a few press photos and a 4-song demo. Within 2 weeks, the band had nearly 30,000 Facebook fans and was featured by numerous publications including Billboard, Time, The Independent, BBC, Esquire, Vice and many more.
Debut album, 'Howdilly Doodilly', a 13-track catalog filled with Flanderisms, rushing guitars and more than enough left-handed puns. A music video for the lead single, “White Wine Spritzer” amassed over 5 million views on youtube. The video eventually caught the eye of the folks over at The Simpsons who ran the video during the end credits of a Season 30 episode.
Following the departure of bassist Thread Ned and guitarist Stead Ned for left hand conversion therapy, the band acquired guitarist Dead Ned and bassist Cred Ned and the band took on a relentless touring schedule across the US and North America, playing nearly 100 shows over the course of a year.
Following a short hiatus the band regrouped in July of 2018 with a brand new lineup, introducing Shred Ned on guitar, Dread Ned on drums and Zed Ned on synth and also added bassist Bed Ned before embarking on their first overseas tour with a full UK run. Okilly Dokilly released their sophomore album, Howdilly Twodilly in March of 2019 and the band has been touring on the new record since.
Coming along for the ride is Dr. Colossus, Melbourne’s greatest Springfieldian doom band!
Having gigged alongside bands like Acid King, Brant Bjork, The Dwarves, Red Fang and Beastwars; Dr. Colossus’ reputation as one of Melbourne’s most light-hearted heavy hitters is firmly intact. Dr. Colossus gained worldwide attention after the release of single ‘Stupid Sexy Flanders’ in retaliation to Ned Flander’s themed metal band Okilly Dokilly’s arrival on the scene. The track earned national radio play as well as a flood of coverage from radio & music media globally.
Okilly Dokilly's live shows are high energy affairs that weave together comedy and brutality. Guttural screams and pounding drums provide a soundtrack for the pummeling of an inflatable donut as green sweaters and round glasses blur across the stage!
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