Shaun's B'day Presents: Old Friends, New Friends, Best Friends, Cool Friends!
$15 on the door, $10 from UTR now!
Old friends Shaun's B'day loves all their friends, and on December 4th at the Whammy Main room they are excited to show off some of their friends to you!
New Friends CHEWY GUM are friends the Shaunie's haven't known for very long, and yet there is a kindred feeling between us. Chewy Gum are the friends you meet at a bar on a Friday, and already find yourselves organising brunch for Sunday. Their energy and enthusiasm and killer tunes will leave ya feeling like you've just met your new best buds.
Best Friends DARTZ (the band from Wellington, New Zealand) are Shaunie's oldest band pals in the entire world. Despite living a million miles away, Dartz are the kind of friends where you immediately fall back into best bud ways. Their rip roaring frantic set will leave you feeling you've run a marathon, a movie marathon of your favourite flicks with your childhood bestie.
What's this? Cool friends?! That's right, we've got a secret band cos why tf not amirite? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are the Shaunie's coolest friends they know. We love this band to absolute bits and are so excited to be joining them on the stage just like old times. These too cool for school buds make you wanna go get a fresh wardrobe and read a poetry book and do cool shit. But you know what's the coolest thing of all? Being genuinely lovely and humble and the nicest friends we have, fuck we're actually so hyped for these guys, you wont want to miss it.
And lastly on the night we have your Old Friends. We are your oldest friends. You've known us your whole life. We did kindy together, Intermediate school together. We studied different things but we went to the same uni and hung out pretty much every day and drank far too many Shadows lagers together. You know our songs. You know our set lists. You know all our little gimmicks and tricks but damnnit if we ain't gonna pull some antics and damnnit if you ain't gonna love every minute of it.
Chewy Gum,
Shaun's B'day,
Secret Special Cool Band
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