Fierce Love explores love as a powerful, protective force. Living in balance, peace and integrity on this Earth we share with our animal siblings. Caring for and being nourished by Earth, Sea and Sky. Grieving loss, honouring the dead and celebrating life.
Through song and spoken word poetry, artists insist on birthing and creating a world of collaboration, abundance and joy, even amongst forces of chaos, war and division.
Fierce Love is an original spoken word and song performance by Ōtepoti raised poet Kyra Gillies of Irish and Romani descent.
Kyra is honoured to have poets Iona Winter (Waitaha) and Ruby Black (Kāi Tahu) sharing their toikupu, poetry and songs accompanied on guitar by Matías (Kāti Uruguay).
The show's title draws from the words of Kanaka Maoli poet Emalani Case who described Aloha as a powerful kind of 'Fierce Love’.
Poster art by @hurianakt.a
Kā mihi Kāi Tahu, Kāti Mamoe, Waitaha and Rapuwai your whenua is where so much of my art has been birthed.
Thanks to Dunedin City of Literature for support.
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