Mads Harrop is set to hit the stage again at Dive! Since exploding onto the scene in 2020, she has supported many well known musical acts, namely The Chats, Reb Fountain, Ha The Unclear, and Nadia Reid. She writes songs primarily about themes of neurodiversity, and how she navigates life. Hiding In Colour is Mads' most recent single - can this maintain the contagion and energy in her music?
The Seaside Stranglers are a rock band from Arrowtown that originally formed during the first covid lockdown when Sam Maxwell and Sam Baylis were living together. Shortly after, Sam Maxwell’s brother Tom joined. Having toured NZ extensively and opened for bands like Shihad, the band has become quite a live experience with every show being different from the last.
Mads Harrop,
The Seaside Stranglers
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