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Band Nights @ Loop: 3D Howls, Kids From Planet Funkatron, Absent

Fri Aug 12th, 2022

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*Guide only - booking fees may apply
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Hold your horsies, we have some HUGE Band Nights coming up this term!

First up, on the 12th of August we are stoked to have a killer lineup and fitting more band members onstage than I think we ever have!

3D Howls have recently had success with Smokefree Rockquest, and each of the members are also prolific musicians in their own right.

Kids from Planet Funkatron is the name of the Papanui High School Funk Band, they have recently been rehearsing their buts off and are stoked to have a run of shows coming up. We are greatly looking forward to having them here at LOOP!

And we now have the incredible Absent who has been playing Band Nights for a few years now! They have an awesome set of covers and originals ready for us.

Stay tuned for a couple more acts being announced next week, and tickets will be available to purchase online from Monday.

$5 Entry
Friday 12th August
LOOP Youth Centre
1a Harewood Rd

This is a Drug & Alcohol Free, Family Friendly event.
Snacks and drink will be available from the Cafe on the night.

jazz, pop, rock, soul/funk, 3D Howls, Kids From Planet Funkatron, Absent

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