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Balu Brigada: Bop Fiasco Tour

Thu Aug 24th, 2023

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August 24 - Space Academy, CHRISTCHURCH w/ Jed Parsons
August 25 - Hollywood, AUCKLAND
August 26 - Meow, WELLINGTON

Tickets from Banished Music
Presale starts Monday 26 June, 10am
General sale Tuesday 27 June 10am
Sign up for the Banished Music presale

New York-based New Zealand groove-pop “band of brothers” Balu Brigada return home for their first headline tour since 2018; a reboot of their sold-out 2020 show 'Bop Fiasco.'

“It's been WAY too long since we've been home and we wanna come back with a bang!’ say Balu Brigada ‘This particular fiasco is 3 years in the making and that means there's 3 years of fresh bops to make for a thrasher of a night in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch. See u there!”'

After signing with Atlantic Records in 2022 the duo relocated to New York City where they released their 'I Should Be Home' EP. Applauded by outlets such as Rolling Stone, i-D, and People Magazine, “soaring falsetto choruses, synth hooks and an irresistible, underlying groove” have consistently impressed media, fans, and industry figures and have since earned themselves the #1 fastest breaking NZ/AUS artist spot as well a coveted position in the Spotify USA Viral 50.

Balu Brigada’s hotly anticipated new EP 'Find A Way' will be out July 28th.

“‘Find a Way’ is a bitter-sweet mantra that we’ve had for the last couple of years. Whether it was ‘Find a way to get to America’ or ‘Find a way to maintain a long distance relationship’ or even just ‘Find a way to be present and happy’. Our career so far has been a series of step-by-step moments that have led us closer to our dream of writing and playing music across the world.

Born into a creative home, brothers Henry and Pierre Beasley started their musical journey when a 12-year-old Henry capitalized on his older brother status by appointing himself lead guitarist and forcing Pierre to learn bass - officially forming Balu Brigada when the pair were old enough to pass as 18 and perform in bars.

The duo have spent the past few years fine tuning their skills in every aspect of their output. Hailed by i-D as “an actual band of brothers making tunes stacked with hooks that’ll run circles around your brain for days.”

The return of Bop Fiasco (Volume 2) will feature a variety of special guests and promises to be a thrasher of a night!

pop, Balu Brigada, Lilly Carron, Jed Parsons

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