A great lineup for the final show of our autumn series at Moon. We will have ross Johnson, Waireka, Beneath a Different Sky and Clara van Wel.
Ross Johnson - Singer songwriter from Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Waireka - We are a couple, Cam & Juli, singing songs about issues that we are passionate about. The music ranges from ballards through jazzy, folk, blues, roots feel. Our Moon set is about that: ‘Life is a Merry go Round’.
Beneath a Different Sky - Vic Manuel and Vince Cabrera are well known to the Wellington acoustic scene. Vic as singer/songwriter and with various incarnations of his band, The Godwits, and Vince as a solo bassist and guitarist in Planet. They perform a range of atmospheric, evocative songs with a psychedelic touch.
Clara van Wel - Clara van Wel is an award-winning musician, comedian, and writer known for their thoughtful storytelling. Dynamic, reflective, and lyrically astute, their music lends a theatrical slant to the confessional intimacy of folk
Door from 6:00pm.`
Approximate set times:
Ross Johnson - from 7:00pm;
Waireka - from 7: 35pm; and
Beneath a Different Sky - from 8:20pm
Clara van Wel - from 9:10pm
Tickets $12 from Eventfinda, or $15 at the door.
There is a limit of 100 tickets for this show. You can book a table for a group separately from the venue - info@newtownmoon.co.nz, 04 389 9933.
Ross Johnson,
Beneath a Different Sky,
Clara van Wel
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