Look out!! The prodigal sons of kiwi country-soul SIN CITY are returning to Aotearoa! Currently based in Melbourne, the 70s country rock loving pair were last on home shores back in 2022 after the release of their much acclaimed, Delaney Davidson produced debut LP. Now they're back with 'Another Round,' their sophomore long player recorded in the wild Victorian hinterlands and to celebrate, this November SIN CITY will be bringing their raucous live show back home! With their leery eyed 5-piece band of Aussies in tow and several years on the beer-soaked Australian Americana music scene under their belts they are honed to the bone and ready to ROCK & ROLL!!
SIN CITY bring their enigmatic live show to Taupo's Rosemary's Place on November 14th and it's FREE ENTRY so do not miss out!
sin city
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