Premiere: Green Grove Unveils Single 'Silently' + Announces Debut Album
It's been more than a year since Durham Fenwick (Bozo, PG/VG, New Gum Sarn, Guardian Singles) snuck out Green Grove's debut EP night music, a lushly imaginative five track sonic stroll through realms of exotica, lounge, new age and dream-pop. Following that release, the Tāmaki Makaurau artist's solo recording project magically morphed into a fully-fledged live band – including members of Yoko-Zuna, Naenae Express and Peach Milk – supporting Jonathan Bree and performing at The Others Way, Borderline and Field Of Dreams festivals.
Green Grove has today revealed his first full length album Machine Music will be dropping in late September, releasing via plucky new independent imprint Sunreturn (helmed by sere's Zac Arnold), and completed with a bit of help from Tom Healey (Tiny Ruins). Fenwick has also shared the collection's evocative lead track 'Silently', inviting listeners into a captivating universe of mystery and intrigue, with hints of Badalamenti-esque high drama along the way. You can experience Green Grove in action at The Night Before The Others Way pre-festival warmup event this Thursday – scroll down to read Chris Cudby's e-interview with Fenwick about his forthcoming plans, pre-order yourself a super cool exclusive artist-edition tee (see below), and dive deep into 'Silently' here...
Chris Cudby: So much has happened since you released Green Grove's night music EP last year! Have your live shows with band shaped your approach to recording the new album? Did you always plan to play Green Grove material live?
Green Grove: Yea! Feels like way longer than that..
Playing live definitely shaped the way I approached writing. I think it helped me to make some faster and more dynamic songs to interact more with a live audience. The recording process was pretty similar to the first EP, but done with a little bit more confidence. I never planned on playing the songs live until Paul Brown who plays bass in the band convinced me that we could do it :~)
Why "Machine Music"? Are there any guests on the upcoming record?
I eventually landed on Machine Music because it is a reminder of what created the record. I was also thinking about the juxtaposition between the organic and synthetic elements on the record, and by giving the album a name that sounds at first industrial to then present some organic sounds from machines plays in to those elements.
Guests on the record: Madison Eve, Mason Fairey, JY Lee, Paul Brown.
Were there any sonic or visual reference points you were thinking about with 'Silently'?
I’m always trying to touch on surreal feelings with Green Grove sonically, in Silently I was inspired by easy listening/library style recordings- stuff that feels and sounds bittersweet or over the top.. definitely inspired by artists like Broadcast/Julee Cruise/Stereolab and 70’s synth recordings. I work late nights and often walk home in the early hours of the morning.. This song is somewhat inspired by that visually.
What's on the horizon for Green Grove after The Night Before The Others Way fest this week?
More shows, some around New Zealand in combination with the release of the album! And write some new tunes :~)
'Silently' is streamable now on Spotify. 'Machine Music' is out on Friday 27th September via Sunreturn, exclusive artist edition t-shirts are available for pre-order here.
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