Listen To PGX's Debut EP 'Naïve'
Boasting an all-lady lineup of Hannah Herchenbach, Mary Lyon Train, Charlie Fischer and Jenny Duncan, Christchurch's PGX storm out of the gates with their first EP Naïve. Produced by Melted Ice Cream impresario Brian Feary, the four songs showcased on Naïve buzz with infectious punk energy and such spiky lines as "thanks but I'm not here to hold your coffee," with concluding track 'Peter Gutteridge' paying fuzzy tribute to quality time spent with the sadly deceased Snapper frontman. Previously featured on 2018's scene-defining compilation Sickest Smashes From Arson City: Legacy Edition, dive into PGX's long-awaited debut here and join them at their launch party this Saturday 29th February at Space Academy, alongside Wet Specimen and DeNudes...
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