Supports Announced For Die! Die! Die! Nationwide Tour
In a year of Covid-19 curveballs, it's reassuring to know Die! Die! Die! can be relied upon to deliver the goods. The veteran Aotearoa noise-punks have unveiled a top notch roster of support acts for their forthcoming nationwide tour. They'll be joined by legendary sonic travellers Pumice (now the mind-meld of Stefan Neville and Jade Farley) for every North Island date, plus regional supports including Francisca Griffin and the Bus Shelter Boys, Memory Foam, Mr Sterile Assembly and PGX. The team of Andrew Wilson (also of Masks), Michael Prain and recently rejoined bassist Lachlan Anderson have a double A-side single ‘I Seek Misery’ / ‘450’ out soon and Pumice are launching their latest record Table in October, so there'll be plenty of new tunes for fans to feast their ears upon — here's the updated tour details...
UTR proudly presents...
Die! Die! Die!
Friday 30th October - Never Project Space, Hamilton w/ Pumice
Saturday 31st October - Whammy, Auckland w/ Pumice, Memory Foam
Friday 6th November - Pioneer Hall, Dunedin w/ Francisca Griffin and the Bus Shelter Boys, Bliss Point
Saturday 7th November - Dark Room, Christchurch w/ Pretty Dumb, PGX
Friday 13th November - Secret Show, Whanganui w/ Pumice, Space Trash
Saturday 14th November - Moon, Wellington w/ Pumice, Mr Sterile Assembly, Fouler
Tickets available via Banished Music
Listen up to Die! Die! Die!'s four song 2019 O EP...
Hear the majestic 'Necklace on a Necklace' from Pumice's upcoming album Table...
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