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Weekly Roundup: Friday 30th October

Weekly Roundup: Friday 30th October

Chris Cudby / Image: Delaney Davidson / Friday 30th October, 2020 4:38PM

While today's dismaying referendum results have seriously pissed off Aotearoa's entire music community including myself, there's thankfully still a tonne of great shows to look to look forward to for the months ahead (seriously, check out our gig picks below). This short yet stacked week on the site was all about the interviews. I caught up with psych-fuzz duo Earth Tongue about a tumultuous year and their spring tour of Aotearoa (which heads to Oamaru and Dunedin this weekend), chatted with Pōneke thrashers Stälker about their killer new album Black Majik Terror in advance of next Friday's launch event at Valhalla with End Boss, shot the breeze with Baltimore synth-pop champs Future Islands about their new album As Long As You Are, and had a illuminating online convo with Dean Martelli and Adolf Soeteman of legendary Auckland punk outfit Rebel Truce, playing their first show in forty years (!) as part of this Saturday's Punk 'O' Ween extravaganza.

It being Halloween weekend and all, we felt it'd be a fine idea to touch base with none other than Ōtautahi's Adam Hattaway, whose nationwide tour with The Haunters begins tomorrow at his hometown's Cassels Blue Smoke. Naturally enough, he compiled five of his favourite haunting songs to get you in the spooky mood, get amongst the good stuff right here.


Friday 30th October

Mangawhai: Jordan Luck Band - Mangawhai Tavern
Leigh: Deva Mahal - Leigh Sawmill Cafe
Auckland: Julia Deans: Ponsonby Social Club
Auckland: Ha The Unclear - Whammy Bar
Auckland: Moppy, Randa, Leaping Tiger - Whammy Backroom
Auckland: Paris Is Burning X Radio Schmadio - Ante Social
Hamilton: Bulletbelt - Nivara Lounge
Hamilton: Die! Die! Die! - Never Project Space
Hastings: Reb Fountain - Hawkes Bay Opera House
Whanganui: Goya, Soft Plastics - Lucky Bar
Wellington: The Sound Of Seeing (Night One) - Pyramid Club
Wellington: Cut Off Your Hands - San Fran
Wellington: Valhalloween - Valhalla
Christchurch: RyeChi Music - Arcadia
Christchurch: Keeltys, Kimono - darkroom
Oamaru: Earth Tongue - Settler Theatre
Dunedin: Dick Move - Dive

Saturday 31st October

Auckland: Jordan Luck Band - The Brownzy
Auckland: Punk 'O' Ween - Galatos
Auckland: Kate Owen - Freida Margolis
Auckland: Rio Funk (Day Of The Dead Party) - Saint Alice
Auckland: Die! Die! Die! - Whammy Bar
Tauranga: Hocus Pocus The Exclusive Halloween Ball - The Rising Tide
Napier: Lucked Up Locals - The Cabana
Napier: The Nudge - Paisley Stage
Wellington: Night Of The Living Dartz - San Fran
Wellington: Birdfeeder, The Spectre Collective - Wellington Museum  
Christchurch: Adam Hattaway And The Haunters, Runaround Sue, Ryan Fisherman - Cassels Blue Smoke
Oamaru: Dick Move - Settler Theatre
Alexandra: Delaney Davidson - Ophir Peace Memorial Hall
Dunedin: Earth Tongue - Dive
Invercargill: Sam Cullen - Tuatara Cafe

Head over to our Gig Guide for more listings!!


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