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Cuticles Drop Debut Single / Video 'Cheese In My Brain'

Cuticles Drop Debut Single / Video 'Cheese In My Brain'

Chris Cudby / Thursday 14th January, 2021 1:08PM

Sporting two members of Oamaru no wave legends The Trendees, brand new four-piece Cuticles offer a surprisingly sunny sonic proposition with their debut single 'Cheese In My Brain' — which coincidentally describes my own mindset this afternoon. Singer Matthew Plunkett tells it like it is over bandmates Austen Mcmillian, Lisa Preston and Tom Havard's frayed yet jaunty scuzz-pop jamout, accompanied by a DIY montage of hometown summer fun (with a relatable twist) that'll leave you wondering if having 'Cheese In My Brain' is in fact a good thing? One thing for certain: make way for Cuticles in 2021!


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