Shocking Pinks Announces New Album 'Guilt Mirrors'
Prodigious ex-Christchurch musician Nick Harte A.K.A Shocking Pinks, has finally announced the release of his new 3 LP album, Guilt Mirrors, due out on February 18th on Stars & Letters Records. This is the first release from Harte since his 2007 self-titled effort, and in the interim he hunkered down in Christchurch, during the earthquakes with his windows blacked out, writing seven to eight albums worth of material (read our insightful interview with Harte over here), which he has narrowed that down to 34 songs, to be released as one triple LP album.
Harte has also just shared another song from the record, and compared to the industrialism of the first single 'Double Vision Version' - that we premiered last year - 'Not Gambling' is soothingly hypnotic. Have a listen to the single, and check out the track listing of Guilt Mirrors, below.
Guilt Mirrors I
02 “Not Gambling”
04 “Ten Years”
05 “My Best Friend”
06 “SoapsuddS”
07 “Love Projection” (Dedicated to Jerry Fuchs)
08 “What’s Up With That Girl?” (Featuring Ashlin Frances Raymond/Arkitype)
09 “Vendetta” (Featuring Designer Violence)
10 “Swam”
11 “therearenorivershere”
12 “Few Skeletons”
Guilt Mirrors II
01 “LV VS SX” (Featuring Ashlin Frances Raymond)
02 “Motel”
03 “Hardfuck”
04 “(take me) Lower”
05 “St Louis” (Featuring Gemma Syme)
06 “Glass Slippers”
08 “Hardfuck” (remix by Tristen R Deschain)
09 “Get In There Bitch”
Guilt Mirrors III
01 “A Million Times”
02 “Slightly Killed” (Featuring Arkitype)
03 “Chorus Girls”
04 “Working Holiday”
05 “Looks Black Rain”
06 “B & B”
07 “Translation”
08 “Hospital Garden”
09 “Out of Town Girl”
10 “BLISS”
11 “eleven”
12 “dance the dance electric”
13 “Black Rain Looks”
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