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Stream Renee-Louise Carafice's Album - Power Animals

Stream Renee-Louise Carafice's Album - Power Animals

Tuesday 6th May, 2014 10:05AM

Last week we caught wind of the fact that Nashville-based musician Renee-Louise Carafice had been beavering away in a studio reworking her 2012 album Power Animals after she unveiled a homemade video for the re-imagined track 'I Have Some Problems'. Now she is sharing the whole album via her Bandcamp page. The original version of the album was created during a time when the ex-pat artist was going through intense hypnotherapy and was composed using solely toy instruments then recorded into the pinhole microphone of her computer. Carafice ended up taking those raw and dissonant tracks and moulding them into a slicker production, while still being "a field day of musical experimentation," as she puts it. The reworked album was tracked at an abandoned youth ministry for intellectually handicapped kids during late 2013 and early 2014 with the help of her friend Daniel Tomczak. Take a listen below...


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