Love Yr Bros Tour Announced By The Admiral, Dad Jokes and Roy Irwin
In a trifecta of garage goodness, Auckland acts The Admiral, Dad Jokes and Roy Irwin are hitting the road for a nationwide tour. The nine-date Love Your Bros expedition takes the trio zig-zagging around the country throughout July and winds up in Wellington for an Eyegum Party on the first day of August. Here are the details...
Love Yr Bros Tour
Saturday 4th July, Nivara Lounge, Hamilton
Friday 10th July, Mauao Performing Arts Centre, Tauranga
Saturday 11th July, Valhalla, Wellington
Friday 17th July, Whammy, Auckland
Thursday 23rd July, Darkroom, Christchurch
Friday 24th July, House Party At Your House!, Christchurch/Dunedin (get In touch)
Saturday 25th July, Chicks Hotel, Dunedin
Friday 31st July, Lucha Lounge, Auckland
Saturday 1st August, Eyegum, Wellington
Here's the video for 'Bother Me' released by The Admiral last year...
And here is Roy Irwin with 'Dancing In My Sleep' live In Session...
Photo of Dad Jokes by Holly Davies
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