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Dinosaur Club

Dinosaur Club

Monday 9th August, 2010 12:20PM

Interview with David from new young band Dinosaur Club.

Been around since?


Current line up?

David (Guitar, Vocals)
Thomas W (Bass, Vocals)
Thomas F (Keys)
Henry (Drums)

Where are you based?


Musical history?

Three of us met in high school and did Rockquest and stuff, then we finished school, reconfigured the line-up, added keys and started listening to Pavement.

How would you describe your sound?


How’d you come up with your name?

It sounded cool.

What are you listening to at the moment?

David (Miniature Tigers, Cut Off Your Hands)
Thomas W (Now 30)
Thomas F (Mos Def)
Henry (The Lonely Island, Ojos de Bruno)

What were you listing to in High School?

Pop Punk and 2nd Wave Emo.

What is your writing/recording process?


Your Dream Collaboration?

A film score for Wes Anderson.

Any releases coming up? If yes, tell us more…

We are hoping to record some more of our new songs kind of soon but I don’t think they will be ‘released’ more like ‘given away to anyone interested’.

If you could have any original vinyl release in the world what would it be?

I have a copy of Elliot Smith’s Either/Or that I am quite proud of. Other than that maybe some of the early Beatles or Beach Boys stuff.

Of all the instruments you own, or have owned, what is your favourite?

Any guitar in-tune, with all the strings is always a favourite. I quite like my delay pedal but I don’t think that counts as an instrument.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learnt musically in the last year?

There is only one Brian Wilson.

What has been your favourite show to date?

Two way tie. Shadows for ‘bFM Fancy New Band’ back in April because we got paid for the first time. Also, Dogs Bollix with Yule, Dear Times Waste and Cool Rainbows was pretty rad because the other bands were wicked.

If you could share the stage with anyone (band or person) who would it be?

Buzz Aldrin.

The future holds…?

Occasional gigs and home recordings.

The state of music in NZ is….

Just starting to get interesting again.