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WHY Heading To NZ In December

WHY Heading To NZ In December

Monday 7th September, 2009 12:00PM

The announcements keep on coming this time it's WHY? coming to NZ from the States for two shows:

17 December - Monte Christo, Auckland
18 December - SFBH, Wellington

Tickets on sale now from UTR - click here to get yours.


Press Release:

Never hesitating to delve into the weirder and darker parts of the psyche, WHY? arrive to immerse New Zealand in their aural maelstrom of amazing and unclassifiable music this December.

Originally a solo project for Jonathan 'Yoni' Wolf of Berkerly, CA, WHY? evolved to the three piece it is today with the addition of Josiah Wolf and Doug McDiarmid, bent on creating beautiful shuddering sounds amalgamating the stranger parts of hip hop and the sweeter parts of that large and amorphous genre called indie rock. Alopecia (2008) saw Yoni Wolf honing his distinctive speak sing delivery, streaming forth surrealistic tales of broken relationships, stalkers and murder fantasies enough to melt your mind over driving keys and guitars that clamber over stilted beats. In the bizarre universe of WHY? imagery of the mundane (puking in a car park, stoned walks) tangles with the ritualistic and taboo (palm readers, dressing wounds) pulling you in through the looking glass, putting the world you thought you knew into a tailspin.

Touring their new release Eskimo Snow (2009), WHY? will draw you out to draw you into their unsettling and vivid sonic realm this December.

17 December - Monte Christo, Auckland
18 December - SFBH, Wellington

Presales $40 + BF available from:

Wellington: Slow Boat and
Auckland: Real Groovy, Fast and Loose, and

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Thu 17th Dec 8:30pm
Bacco Room, Auckland
Fri 18th Dec 8:30pm
The San Francisco Bath House, Wellington