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The Ruby Suns New Album and Nationwide Tour

The Ruby Suns New Album and Nationwide Tour

Friday 18th December, 2009 12:00PM

Lil Chief Records are proud to present the Ruby Suns new, ground-breaking album Fight Softly and their first nationwide tour in ages.

The Ruby Suns, New Zealand's sunshine pysch poppers, are all set to release their third album, Fight Softly, on 15 February 2010. The release of Flight Softly will be celebrated with a good old whip round the country tour before the Ruby Suns head off into the glow of international touring.

19th Feb - Christchurch, The New Media Club
20th Feb - Dunedin, Chicks Hotel
26th Feb - Wellington, Mighty Mighty
27th Feb - Auckland, Bacco Room

The band, led by songwriter and producer, Ryan McPhun (real name) have produced two startlingly original albums (2005's self titled and 2007's Sea Lion) of rich variety that draw in influences as disparate as 60s pysch, polynesian folk, tropicalia, and modern experimental pop.

A more electronic affair, “Fight Softly” is a logical progression from Sea Lion standouts such as "Kenya Dig it?" and "Morning Sun". With synth riffs and r&b beats introduced to the already heady mix, Ryan cites the half remembered motifs from the Ruby Suns’ touring mixtapes featuring Michael and Janet Jackson, Madonna and Timberlake as an influence in the making of Fight Softly. This is pop from an oblique angle, a record that is strange yet still hyper melodic and with a sound unique to The Ruby Suns.

While the music has become more metaphysical the lyrics seem to have gravitated toward the everyday with Ryan singing in his soft way about a friend's astrological fanaticism (Closet Astrologer) and a friendly dog (Mingus and Pike), pretty much the things that were on his mind when he recorded his vocals.

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