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Hear Two New Arcade Fire Songs Now

Hear Two New Arcade Fire Songs Now

Friday 28th May, 2010 10:44AM

It's a happy day when a band you love, almost unequivocally, releases a new song. Arcade Fire teased us relentlessly last week with two ridiculously brief snippets of 'The Suburbs' and 'Month of May'; but even then it was enough for us hungry fans who thirsted for anything from the band, to subsist on.

Imagine our joy then when the discovery was made that both songs have been released in full. 'The Suburbs' a familiar slice of the jaunty (but underpinned with a hint of peril) Arcade Fire we know and love; and 'Month of May', something altogether different, faster and rawer than we're used to, but nonetheless an extremely welcome side to the band.

Have a listen below and join in the excitement for the release of the new album The Suburbs, which drops August 2nd.

Arcade Fire - The Suburbs by meanwhileinaustin

Arcade Fire - Month of May by meanwhileinaustin

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