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Album Review: Disasteradio - Charisma

Album Review: Disasteradio - Charisma

Wednesday 10th November, 2010 12:12PM

Walking into Disasteradio's album release show a couple weeks ago was a little like walking onto the set of Nicolas Roeg's 70's flick The Man Who Fell To Earth, except with Luke Rowell commanding an awesome party as opposed to David Bowie's paranoid space visitor. With banks of televisions blaring 8-bit psychedelic graphics behind him, Rowell was performing in the middle of the ecstatic crowd on a raised platform - such a simple set-up yet ridiculously effective. Disasteradio makes totally righteous party music with an inherent sense of fun that immediately captures your attention. His previous album Visions collected the hits that have populated his live sets over the years - Charisma follows up that album in the party stakes, but it is also an album that rewards close listening. The attention to the layers of sonic detail that Rowell has lavished on this album is remarkable and is what makes it transcend the frivolity of music made for "da club".

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