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Video: Bjork - Moon

Video: Bjork - Moon

Monday 26th September, 2011 8:51AM

Late last week queen of kookiness Bjork explained the reason why the release date of her forthcoming album Biophilia has been pushed back from September to October:

"After humongous and fun adventurous work with the app builders we handed in the music for the app box last May. I felt sonically it fitted that underworld of apps and virtual reality like a glove, kind of acoustic and clean with a slick dark sub but somehow the CD needed more blood and muscles, oxygen and stuff. I felt the album had different growth potential than the app box and it is important to follow those hunches even though they are slippery and you don't know sometimes where they are taking you".

So, ah, something to do with applications, something to do with music.

Anyway, to keep her fans entertained she has released the video clip for track 'Moon' from the album and it features her hanging out on the moon playing a harp. Just casually. Check it out:


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