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Electric Temples w/ Delta Storey

Sat Jul 4th, 2020

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Shannyn hasn't been the same since a rather rambunctious German sparkle dance party in the weekend. Unfortunately he has started to believe that all cats are plotting against us. He is quite fortunate that he himself does not live with a cat. However, he has become suspicious about their tendency to sleep all day and is questioning what they get up to when they are outside.

In his own words, It's like the lion king Davey boy. They don't just punch you off a cliff and call it a day. They prolong it and savour it.

He was caught in conversation with Andre yesterday stating Cats paw, bite, claw and scratch their owners as target practice. This is for when push comes to shove and they finally have the opportunity to strike us in our sleep. They will be well rested and calculating. They will not miss.

Andre asked Jack for his opinion on the subject and he replied that Maybe that's why cats don't get on with mice, birds or dogs..... Those animals are onto the cats

This just perpetuated the problem.

The crew tried to track down Gareth Morgan and his crew for emotional support but he was nowhere to be found. We talked to some jazz cats but all we got from them was Yeah man and In the pocket.

Michael and David continued to look for external help and met up with Aaron Caldwell and his band Delta Storey. Aaron suggested that their leader is another famous musician who changed his name to hide his identity.

He is subtle in his lyricism, he says things like 'ooo baby it's a wild world and convincing his listeners to distract themselves by saying 'It's not time to make a change, just relax, take it easy

With a moment of clarity Peter, Delta Storey's drummer, insisted we all head down to Wunderbar to play the gig of our lives and raise awareness of this ever-increasing problem.

The seasonal mulled wine outta sort these boys out suggested David to Michael.

Come join and give them the support they need to get them back on their feet. It'll be a free entry!


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