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Valhalla Sit Down Shows Announced For This Week

Valhalla Sit Down Shows Announced For This Week

Chris Cudby / Image credit: Valhalla / Wednesday 19th August, 2020 3:19PM

Denizens of the super city might be shocked to hear life goes on outside their lockdown restricted borders. Pōneke heavy music hub Valhalla have a fistful of seated Alert Level 2 shows lined up for this week, hosting This Silent Divide, Battle For Endor, Yaya And The Snakes on Thursday, Kokoa Nashi's single release this Friday with Skitz Hydro and Ovus, and a stacked Saturday fundraiser in support of the Guilliane Barre Support Group featuring Glassblower, Marrowspawn, Starving Millions, Thousand Knives and Bleed This Earth (which may or may not be restricted, depending on Friday's government announcement). Tāmaki residents may shed a lonesome tear and plead "no fair" but that's just how it is right now – make sure you're up to date with the Level Two guidelines here and support Wellington's pillar of our live music community by securing yourself a spot at the following events...

This Silent Divide, Battle For Endor, Yaya And The Snake
Thursday 20th August - Valhalla, Wellington

Tickets available HERE via UTR

Kokoa Nashi Single Release Party w/ Skitz Hydro, Ovus
Friday 21st August - Valhalla, Wellington

Tickets available HERE via UTR

Rumballs G B S Fundraiser feat. Glassblower, Marrowspawn, Starving Millions, Thousand Knives, Bleed This Earth
Saturday 22nd August - Valhalla, Wellington

Tickets available HERE via UTR

Experience Glassblower's intense 'The Abolitionist' from the massive recent Protest Music Vol. 1 compilation...


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This Silent Divide, Battle For Endor, Yaya And The Snakes
Thu 20th Aug 8:00pm
Valhalla, Wellington
Kokoa Nashi
Fri 21st Aug 7:30pm
Valhalla, Wellington
Rumballs G B S Fundraiser
Sat 22nd Aug 8:00pm
Valhalla, Wellington