Weekly Roundup: Friday 27th November
Just the merest glance at our weekend gig picks below will hammer home the awesome fact live shows are popping off across Aotearoa right now, with the schedule only set to get even more hectic as we zoom toward the silly season. Announcement highlights for the week included 100% Good and NoiseFloor are teaming up to celebrate the end of a mare of a year with Music Of The Humans Summer Solstice Edition 2020, featuring Hans Pucket, Phoebe Rings, Priya Sami's new band Bub plus more, Tauranga's Your Enabler Presents have put together huge lineup of noise-loving bands for their all-ages, four stage No Future Festival 2021 in February, noiseniks Wax Chattels are headlining the Infestive Festive Festivities all-ages Xmas fundraiser at Auckland Old Folks Ass. in mid-December, Lyttelton songwriting sensation Marlon Williams announced even more Tāmaki Makaurau headline dates for his rapidly selling out solo tour, Marlin's Dreaming, Soaked Oats and Daffodils are teaming up to move crowds across the upper half of the North Island on The Beach Ball tour in late December / early January, and Tāmaki Makaurau's 95bFM, Whammy Bar and The Wine Cellar have organised a party-popping, mega-stacked Christmas extravaganza on 19th December, in support of Auckland City Mission.
Friday 27th November
Leigh: Thunderground - Leigh Sawmill
Auckland: Adam Hattaway And The Haunters - The Wine Cellar
Auckland: Earth Tongue - Whammy Bar
Auckland: Spring Cleaning - Cassette Nine
Auckland: Rachel Shearer, K-group, Richard Francis, Rosy Parlane - Audio Foundation
Auckland: YKK Presents: Dera Meelan and Deadforest - Whammy Backroom
Hamilton: Landlords, Swallow The Rat, Qualms, Orbjks & Pillcutter - Nivara Lounge
Tauranga: Big Scout - The Hop House
Napier: The Phoenix Foundation - The Cabana
Hastings: Makeshift Parachutes - Common Room
Wellington: Femme n Bass - Moon1
Wellington: Space Time Friday Jam - KUKI KOORI
Wellington: Daily J - San Fran
Christchurch: Reid & Ruins - The Piano
Christchurch: Pretty Dumb, Cold Shower, Bear Trap, Bin Day - darkroom
Dunedin: Princess Chelsea - Dive
Dunedin: French For Rabbits - Bark@Dog With Two Tails
Saturday 28th November
Leigh: Adam Hattaway and The Haunters, Ryan Fisherman - Leigh Sawmill Cafe
Auckland: Clap Clap Riot - Whammy Bar
Auckland: Coridian Christmas - Ding Dong Lounge
Auckland: Georgia Lines and Alex James - Freida Margolis
Auckland: Makeshift Parachutes - Gelatos
Hamilton: Earth Tongue - Never Project Space
Napier: Hail To The Thieves - Paisley Stage
Palmerston North: Big Scout - The Stomach
Wellington: Soaked Oats - San Fran
Wellington: The Phoenix Foundation - The Opera House
Queenstown: Reid & Ruins - Sherwood
Christchurch: French For Rabbits - Space Academy
Lyttelton: Princess Chelsea - Wunderbar
Dunedin: Bo and The Constrictors - Dive
Dunedin: Luke Hurley - ADJØ
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